Exciting new affiliation!! Nurture Natural Parenting Magazine

So firstly must apologise for my lack of blogging lately!  Would you believe I completely forgot what my password was!

Now to the exciting news 🙂  Spikey Hedgehog Photography is proud to announce their association with a fabulous new magazine that will be hitting newsagents on June 20.  Nurture Parenting Magazine is a magazine that focuses on natural parenting.  It will include articles on everything you could think of to do with natural parenting, including attachment parenting and conscious parenting.

This magazine is being launched on 20th June and to celebrate its launch Nurture Parenting Magazine is offering a 25% off their subscription to the magazine!!

You can find out more about them at http://www.nurtureparentingmagazine.com.au or visit the on Facebook at

https://www.facebook.com/NurtureParentingMagazine  So if natural parenting is your style, whether in part or in whole, pop over and say hello to everyone and get your discounted subscription while this special lasts.

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